Month: <span>March 2023</span>
Month: March 2023

Muhammad Ali: The Trial

Today on Legalese we have part two in my series about the trial of Muhammad Ali. In part one we discussed what it means to be a conscientious objector in accordance with American text, history and tradition. We also looked at the basic narrative of Ali’s famous fight to get a conscientious objector exemption in accordance with his religious beliefs. Today we dive into the judicial history and do a deep dive legal analysis of the civil and criminal trials Ali faced on account of this personal conviction.

The Police Have No Duty To Protect You

Today on Legalese, we discuss a very disappointing video from one of my favorite YouTube political commentators, The Actual Justice Warrior. Somehow this normally stellar YouTuber got it in his head that the police having no duty to protect you is a complete myth.
He is embarrassingly wrong in that he not only relies on 2 cases as his evidence that have absolutely nothing to do with the supposed topic of his video…
But somehow this expert in criminal justice has absolutely no idea what the Police Powers are & has never heard of the public duty doctrine. So I made this video to correct the record and irrefutably prove the police have no duty to protect you.

Muhammad Ali: Conscientious Objector

Today on Legalese is the first of two videos covering the Trial of Muhammad Ali
In this part we focus of the history of Conscientious objection in the United States, get a general overview of the events that unfolded over a period of several years as Muhammad Ali fought what could be seen as his toughest fight ever. Fighting for his right not to go and fight in a war based on his religious convictions. We also discuss some parallels between the Vietnam War and the present war in Ukraine.

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