Month: <span>January 2021</span>
Month: January 2021

Sovereign Citizen – Fact and Fiction

In today’s episode of Categorical Imperative we will be taking a look at common beliefs among the sovereign citizen movement including the capitalization of names on court documents, the suppose meaning of gold Fringe on a flag, the meaning of the term “color of law”, the difference between suits at common law and suits in equity and the difference between the privileges and immunities of citizenship and their relation to natural rights in both common law and constitutional law.

My Cooper v Aaron Article –

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Categorical Imperatives is a podcast that applies legal theory and moral philosophy to discussions of current events, law, politics & culture.

Prohibition – A Lesson Unlearned

102 years ago today, the 18th Amendment was ratified , making alcohol prohibition the law of the land. Only 12 years later did our nation learn the difficult lesson that you cannot legislate morality and passed the 21st Amendment, repealing the 18th amendment. This is the only time in the history of the Republic an amendment has been unamended. Just about every American can explain the reasons for it’s failure & rattle off a fairly accurate list of reasons why the treatment was worse than the disease. But far too many people refuse to see how that valuable lesson is highly applicable today in our decades long “War On Drugs”
So today on Categorical Imperatives we are going to be taking all of those valuable lessons from alcohol prohibition and showing conclusively our War on Drugs is every bit as bad as prohibition, and often much, much worse.
At the end of the show I also discuss the many reasons I am optimistic that this war on drugs is quickly becoming unsustainable. It’s not only that the harm the drug war inflicts is worse than the harm caused by the drugs themselves. But the war on drugs will fail on it’s own terms. This is one place State Legislatures are using the 10th amendment and the “Anti-Commandeering Doctrine” To make the war on drugs more and more unenforceable. It’s about time.
If you want to help by getting involved in various efforts to nullify the federal war on drugs in your own state you should go to the Tenth Amendment Center’s website and download their “State of the Nullification Report”


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Categorical Imperatives is a podcast that applies legal theory and moral philosophy to discussions of current events, law, politics & culture.

Release the Krakpot – How Donald Trump and His Legal Team Lost Him the Election

Episode #32
If you are watching this episode I assume you already are aware of the Trump election narrative. after a number of his supporters swarmed the Capitol building, spurred on by Trump’s rhetoric, he finally affirmed a peaceful transfer of power to Joe Biden’s administration. Conspicuously he still refused to formally concede his loss and still asserts he won the election & the democrats committed the kind of massive fraud needed to rig an election.
But that’s not what interests me right this second. It’s his new assertion that he was only conceding after pursuing all legal challenges that were available. His supporters have quickly picked up on this narrative in an attempt to save face for him and themselves…
But is that true? has every plausible means to legally challenge been tried at some point. Not even close. So what options did he leave on the table?
I make no claim as to the veracity of what Trump has been saying. I simply ask the question that if he could substantiate his allegations of large-scale fraud what lawful recourse did he have available to him that he never even attempted?” This episode answers that question.

Past Episodes About Trump’s Election Challenges
Texas v Pennsylvania:
Legal Standing:
Pence Shrugged
Pence Problem:

Donald Trump is going out like a total bitch…

Categorical Imperatives is a podcast that applies legal theory and moral philosophy to discussions of current events, law, politics & culture.

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Lockean Liberal On Parler –

Trump’s Pence Problem (Or, How I learned To Stop Worrying & Love The Election)

Episode #31
Today On Categorical Imperatives I take a look at the insanity of Trump and his increasingly unhinged base of supporters who cannot accept the fact that he lost the election and their desperate straw-grasping for any hope and pearl clutching schemes.
But at this point there is really only one possible outcome. Trump is going to continue down the same hilarious path of denial and delusion that Hillary did in 2016, and even if he did succeed, as I point out at the beginning of the episode, then he will have provided me with a full-proof way….. or maybe more accurately a fool-proof way, for me to get the 2024 Libertarian Party Presidential candidate elected.
I explain precisely how that is, then join me to share a laugh at some of the most ridiculous delusional scheming to keep Trump in power in a video from Doug Tennaple, followed by a more serious back-half of the episode where I read a great article from Rob Natelson that was posted over at the Tenth Amendment Center today talking about how the president could have used fraud and irregularities to his advantage had he and his supporters actually understood the law and the Constitution a little better and I close out the show reading from an article I wrote for Reason’s legal blog that should be available online tomorrow.

Categorical Imperatives is a podcast that applies legal theory and moral philosophy to discussions of current events, law, politics & culture.

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Lockean Liberal On Parler –

Pence Shrugged – Why Trump Supporters Still Think He Can Win & Why They’re Wrong

Episode: #30
Categorical Imperatives.
Today I am going to be looking at a few videos put out by Doug TenNapel. Best known for a comic book that, if you grew up in the 1990’s like I did, was one you were very familiar with. Earthworm Jim. He also does a podcast with the guys from Babylon Bee called Audio Mullet, and he is a Trump supporter.
After my recent videos talking about the Trump Texas election lawsuits, which I got quite a bit of very encouraging feedback on (and I always appreciate when you guys give me feedback on the show!)
I have decided to continue covering these Trump election challenges until he finally gives up, realizes no one but him cares and goes to sulk in palatial style
The new theory being floated by Trump supporters about why they still think he is playing super upside-down underwater 4D chess and that the only reason it looks like he lost the election and is whining like a little bitch is part of his master plan. Because all the things that he tried that we were told were solid, genius, no lose strategies…. that he always lost they always came back with another reason why Trump is doing what he is for some very important super secret reasons and that the fact its looks like he is losing is the surest sign he’s secretly winning. He’s got a genius plan and secret evidence and a few Krakens on standby to release and he is gonna be President again…. so they say.
Rather than what I did with the Texas election lawsuit videos where I just played Monday morning quarterback explaining why what happened was the only possible outcome, I thought I would get ahead of the game on this one and explain in advance why their new super duper secret strategy to have Mike Pence disenfranchise tens of millions of American voters by just refusing to count their votes is not going to work (as though that needs to be be stated.)

Also, as I said in this video, I want to start putting out more videos like this. By which I mean simpler videos covering a topic is a more brief and freeform kind of episode. Rather than the long scripted shows that take me weeks to make. I am gonna keep making those but in between I want to put out more videos like this one and I need your help with ideas. Part of putting out these videos while still working on longer videos is for me to cover topics that don’t require a whole lot of research and a scripts and a huge list of legal citations to the various laws and other various sources that I want to make sure you guys can find when I make longer videos.
At the end of this episode you will hear some basic instructions on how you can help me out by submitting topics, questions or anything else you would want to hear me cover. The more you guys are able to bring me idea of what you would like to see, the more I will be able to put out the new content I want to do and to still be able to work on and release by bigger more epic shows.

Categorical Imperatives is a podcast that applies legal theory and moral philosophy to discussions of current events, law, politics & culture.

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Lockean Liberal On Parler –

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