Is Paper Money Constitutional: The Tenth Amendment Center Gets The Coinage Clause All Wrong
Is Paper Money Constitutional: The Tenth Amendment Center Gets The Coinage Clause All Wrong

Is Paper Money Constitutional: The Tenth Amendment Center Gets The Coinage Clause All Wrong

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In a recent article by Jacob Hornberger, published by the Tenth Amendment Center called “Why Is Paper Money Constitutional?” They just can’t seem to get anything right. It’s frankly a shocking abandonment of any pretense of Originalist Interpretation for something that really sounds more like a libertarian argument for a living Constitution.
We go through the Article point by point and examine why this article is more than just a difference of opinion between myself and a group of people who I greatly respect and almost always agree with. Which is what makes this abortion of a Constitutional interpretation so tough to let go.
If you have followed this show for any length of time, I am sure you have heard me praise, recommend & cite the Tenth Amendment Center. Likely on multiple occasions.
And for those who have been following me a very long time may remember that during the libertarian presidential primaries, I was 100% behind Jacob Hornberger the entire time. If any of those 3 people (Mike Maharrey, Michael Boldin & Jacob Hornberger) ever happen to see this I do hope you will understand that I mean no disrespect towards you. They are fantastic people doing great work for liberty. And since I know a large protion of my subscribers are aware of and have equal respect for Mike, mb & Jacobb

Why Is Paper Money Constitutional? –

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