What Happens if the Supreme Court Overturns Roe v Wade?
What Happens if the Supreme Court Overturns Roe v Wade?

What Happens if the Supreme Court Overturns Roe v Wade?

Views: 107
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Episode #76
In this episode we discuss what I think some of the most likely and moat interesting possibilities if the Supreme Court does, in fact, overrule Roe v Wade in the recent case of Dobbs v Whole Women’s Health
The future of state and federal abortions laws, the role of implied powers, it’s affect on Federalism, the Commerce Clause, State’s Rights and much, much more…

Related Episodes
Roe v Wade Overview – https://youtu.be/Y6yb3H54Y7A
Texas SB 8 Abortion Legislation – https://youtu.be/KKIELHjNBuA
Originalism and Textualism – https://youtu.be/QnEq4rAh9aw
Gonzalez v Raich – https://youtu.be/gboAUgA-dTs
Property Rights – https://youtu.be/MxmYhQKRxjs
Planned Parenthood v Casey – https://youtu.be/6OB_ehOL6Uc
US v Lopez – https://youtu.be/8wL26DSP_bA
Right To Privacy – https://youtu.be/8wL26DSP_bA

Related Articles
Implied Powers In The Founding Era – https://libertarianinstitute.org/articles/constitutional-sleight-of-hand-implied-powers-during-the-founding-era/
The Irrepressible Myths of Whole Women’s Health v. Jackson – https://libertarianinstitute.org/articles/the-irrepressible-myths-of-whole-womens-health-v-jackson/
A Right To Your Property & A Property In Your Rights – https://libertarianinstitute.org/articles/a-right-to-your-property-and-a-property-in-your-rights/
Constitutional Sleight of Hand: The Evolution of Implied Powers – https://tenthamendmentcenter.com/2021/11/19/constitutional-sleight-of-hand-the-evolution-of-implied-powers/
Three Supreme Court Cases that Twisted the Commerce Clause – https://tenthamendmentcenter.com/2020/07/17/three-supreme-court-cases-that-twisted-the-commerce-clause/

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Categorical Imperatives is a podcast that applies legal theory and moral philosophy to discussions of current events in law, politics & culture.

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