Ignorance Of The Law: Rent Control Edition
Ignorance Of The Law: Rent Control Edition

Ignorance Of The Law: Rent Control Edition

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Today on Legalese, as part of my ongoing series “Ignorance Of The Law” where we laugh at the fact that ignorance of the law may not be an excuse for breaking the law, but it’s often an excuse for making an enforcing the law. Today we discuss the ignorance of Rent Control by looking at a recent John Oliver segment talking about the need for rent control and we look at a series of rent control laws passed in the Twin Cities that are considered to to be the strictest Rent Control Laws in the country.

Studies and Related Links
The Atlantic – We need more luxury housing, not less https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2021/04/theres-no-such-thing-luxury-housing/618548/

Rent Control is fashionable again. But still a bad idea – https://reason.com/2021/12/10/rent-control-is-fashionable-again-its-still-a-bad-idea/

Increasing Acceptance of Housing Vouchers Among Landlords: A Piece of the Affordability Puzzle – https://bipartisanpolicy.org/blog/increasing-acceptance-of-housing-vouchers-among-landlords-a-piece-of-the-affordability-puzzle/

Landlord Participation Study – https://www.huduser.gov/portal/pdredge/pdr-edge-research-052819.html

Does Affordable Housing Make the Surrounding Neighborhood Less Affordable? – https://reason.com/2022/06/13/does-affordable-housing-make-the-surrounding-neighborhood-less-affordable/

Affordable homes don’t increase crime or dent Orange County property values, says UCI study – https://www.ocregister.com/2022/06/02/uci-study-finds-affordable-homes-dont-dent-oc-property-values-or-increase-crime/amp/

Developers Halt Projects, Mayor Demands Reform After St. Paul Voters Approve Radical Rent Control Ballot Initiative – https://reason.com/2021/11/10/developers-halt-projects-mayor-demands-reform-after-st-paul-voters-approve-radical-rent-control-ballot-initiative/

America’s Most Controversial Rent Control Law Is Getting a Hasty Makeover – https://reason.com/2022/03/22/politicians-scramble-to-define-amend-repeal-the-nations-most-controversial-rent-control-law/

Robbing Peter to Pay Paul? The Redistribution of Wealth Caused by Rent Control https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4061315

Wealthy, Older Tenants in Manhattan Get Biggest Boost From Rent Regulations – https://www.wsj.com/articles/wealthy-older-tenants-in-manhattan-get-biggest-boost-from-rent-regulations-11560344400

NMHC Rent Control Update: Multifamily Firms Reconsider Investments in Rent Control Markets – https://www.nmhc.org/news/nmhc-news/2022/nmhc-rent-control-update-multifamily-firms-reconsider-investments-in-rent-control-markets/

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